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    中经总网  2024-01-10 21:25     浏览量:238145


    中外新闻社给亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)颁发:2023“中国-亚美尼亚双边友好关系特别贡献奖”

    中经总网·中经在线(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 陈熹 齐欢)联合报道 2024年1月3日, 中外新闻社大使俱乐部在北京天伦王朝酒店举行亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下离任招待会。爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下、黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚•贾布尔阁下、塞尔维亚驻华大使玛雅•斯特法诺维奇阁下代表卡尔罗•科拉茨先生及外交部原副部长助理马德强、中国民营经济国际合作商会副会长刘海康等嘉宾出席, 招待会由中外新闻社总裁韦燕主持。

    On the evening of January 3, 2024, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club held the Farewell Dinner for Ambassador of Armenia to China H.E. Mr. Sergey Manassarian at the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel in Beijing. Ambassador of Estonia to China H.E. Mr. Hannes Hanso, Ambassador of Lebanon to China H.E. Ms. Milia Jabbour, the representative of Ambassador of Serbia to China H.E. Mrs. Maja Stefanovic, Mr. Carlo Kratz, as well as Former Assistant to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ma Deqiang, Vice President of China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector Mr. Liu Haikang and other Chinese guests also attended the dinner event. The dinner banquet was hosted by President of Home and Abroad News Presse Mrs. Wei Yan.



    韦燕说, 我们今晚的主角亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下是一名经验丰富的外交官, 曾担任亚美尼亚国家外交部副部长, 长期分管亚洲事务, 是一位资深的外交官和政治家。2016年05月17日, 谢尔盖向中国国家主席习近平递交国书, 正式成为亚美尼亚驻华大使。谢尔盖大使充分利用自己的智慧和外交实力, 推动中国和亚美尼亚在政治、经济、社会和文化领域的合作, 并取得了累累硕果。中亚两国保持着高水平的政治互信, 谢尔盖为促进中亚友好关系发展做出了重要贡献。

    Mrs. Wei Yan said that our protagonist tonight, Ambassador of Armenia to China H.E. Mr. Sergey Manassarian, is an experienced diplomat and politician who has served as Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, specializing in Asian affairs. On May 17, 2016, he presented his credentials to Chinese President Xi Jinping and officially become the Ambassador of Armenia to China. He has fully utilized his wisdom and diplomatic strength to promote cooperation between China and Armenia in the political, economic, social and cultural fields with fruitful results. China and Armenia maintain a high level of political mutual trust, and he has made important contributions in promoting the development of friendly relations between the two countries.


    亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)发表感言

    晚宴上, 谢尔盖大使致辞, 他对各界朋友在他担任大使期间, 推动亚中友好关系发展做出贡献表示诚挚的谢意。他说, 亚中两国在文化、历史和学术等领域有着深厚渊源。亚美尼亚地处丝绸之路中段, 古丝绸之路在两千年前早已将中国和亚美尼亚联系在一起。在过去的30年当中, 中国和亚美尼亚之间的友好交流显著增加, 两国在贸易、经济、农业、人文交流等各领域均取得了丰硕的合作成果。2013年中国提出“一带一路”倡议, 更是为两国的合作注入了新的动力和机遇。

    At the dinner, Ambassador Sergey Manassarian expressed his sincere gratitude to friends from all walks of life for their contributions to the development of friendly relations between China and Armenia during his tenure as Ambassador. He said that Armenia and China have deep roots in cultural, historical and academic fields. Armenia is located in the middle of the Silk Road, which connected China and Armenia two thousand years ago. Over the past 30 years, friendly exchanges between China and Armenia have increased significantly, and the two countries have achieved fruitful cooperation in trade, economy, agriculture, humanistic exchanges, etc. The "Belt and Road Initiative" proposed by China in 2013 has injected new energy and opportunities for cooperation between the two countries.



    谢尔盖大使深爱着自己的国家, 把自己的国家与中国连在一起, 在他中国担任大使8年来, 随中外新闻社大使俱乐部走访了中国很多省市, 内蒙古、吉林省、广东省、福建省等地。 每到一处, 他都深深喜爱那里的山川湖泊、街坊小巷以及各地风土人情, 对中国文化丰富性与多样性的体会很深。期间, 在马纳萨大使的推动下, 中国青岛市和亚美尼亚首都埃里温市缔结为友好合作城市。

    Ambassador Manassarian loves his country and connects it with China. During his 8 years of ambassadorship in China, he visited many provinces and cities of China, including Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Guangdong, Fujian and other provinces with the Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club. Everywhere he went, he deeply loved the mountains, lakes, neighborhoods and local customs, and really appreciated the richness and diversity of the Chinese culture. With his promotions, Qingdao China and Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, become the friendly cooperation cities.



    谢尔盖大使说, 亚中两国历史悠久、文化灿烂, 亚中友谊坚如磐石, 牢不可破。在每个重要时刻, 中国人民都怀着善意帮助亚美尼亚, 无论外界的变化和所面对的多重挑战, 亚中友谊是长久的和广阔的。

    He continued that Armenia and China have a long history and splendid culture, and their friendship is rock-solid and unbreakable. The Chinese people have always helped Armenia with goodwill at every important moment, and regardless of the changes in the outside world and the multiple challenges, the friendship between Armenia and China is long-lasting and broad.


    亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)同爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔大使阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)敬酒致意

    韦燕总裁高度评价谢尔盖阁下为中亚友好关系发展所做的一切, 为中亚建交31周年贡献的智慧和力量。

    President Wei Yan spoke highly of all that Ambassador Sergey has done for the development of friendly relations between Armenia and China, and his contribution to the 31st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

    席间, 韦燕总裁同谢尔盖大使愉快的回忆起2021年1月26日下午, 中外新闻社携全球医药交易中心前往亚美尼亚共和国驻华使馆捐赠防疫物品。疫情期间, 中亚两国政府和两国人民守望相助, 与其他国家相比做出了表率, 为推动中国同亚美尼亚全面合作伙伴关系进一步深入发展发挥了重要作用。

    During the dinner, President Wei Yan and Ambassador Sergey recalled that on the afternoon of January 26, 2021, Home and Abroad News Press and Global Pharmaceutical Trading Center went to the Armenian Embassy to donate COVID-19 medical supplies. During the pandemic, the governments and people of China and Armenia stood by each other, set an example compared to other countries, and played an important role in promoting the further development of the comprehensive cooperative partnership between China and Armenia.


    亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)同黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚·贾布尔阁下(H.E.Ms.Milia Jabbour)友好交流

    为表彰谢尔盖阁下的为中亚两国友好关系发展做出的贡献, 中外新闻社在会上特别给他颁发:2023“中国-亚美尼亚特别贡献奖”, 以表达对他为两国之间的友好关系做出突出贡献的认可。

    In recognition of Ambassador Sergey’s remarkable contributions to the development of friendly relations between Armenia and China, Home and Abroad News Press specially presented the honor of 2023 “China-Armenia Special Contribution Award” at the dinner banquet with high appreciation of his outstanding contributions.



    亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下是中外新闻社大使俱乐部的荣誉主席, 招待会上, 他谈到他在大使俱乐部在获取资讯、拓展合作空间、实现共赢上有丰硕成果。当晚, 谢尔盖大使和韦燕总裁又给新的两位大使颁发中外新闻社大使俱乐部任职证书, 他们是:爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下、黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚•贾布尔阁下。

    At the dinner, Ambassador Sergey Manassarian, as the Honorary President of Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club, and President Wei Yan also presented the Honorary President Certificates to Ambassador of Estonia to China H.E. Mr. Hannes Hanso and Ambassador of Lebanon to China H.E. Ms. Milia Jabbour.


    谢尔盖大使和韦燕总裁给爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)颁发中外新闻社大使俱乐部任职证书

    韦燕总裁对谢尔盖大使说, 我们会非常想念你, 你是中国人民的好朋友、老朋友, 也是真朋友。期待您继续为中亚友好关系发展做出新的贡献。韦燕说, 我相信, 您八年在中国这片土地给谢尔盖大使留下许多的美好的回忆。让我们祝福他和家人: 回国顺利, 一路平安, 记得回来的路:中国—是你们的第二个家!

    “We will miss you very much, you are always a good friend, an old friend and a true friend of the Chinese people! We expect you to continue to make new contributions to the development of friendly relations between Armenia and China.” Mrs. Wei Yan said to Ambassador Manassarian. “I am sure that your eight years in China made a lot of good memories. Let's wish you and your family a smooth and safe journey back home, and always remember the way back because China is your second home!


    谢尔盖大使和韦燕总裁给黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚·贾布尔阁下(H.E.Ms.Milia Jabbour)颁发中外新闻社大使俱乐部任职证书

    “百灵鸟从蓝天飞过,我爱你中国……我要把最美的歌儿献给你,我的母亲,我的祖国……”最后, 在著名歌唱家冀淑华演唱《我爱你, 中国》的歌声中爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下、黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚•贾布尔阁下及各位同仁举杯庆贺: 祝福谢尔盖大使回国顺利, 祝福中国和亚美尼亚友谊地久天长!

    Finally, Chinese famous singer Ji Shuhua singed “I love you, China” to all guests and everyone raised the wine and made a toast for Ambassador Manassarian, wish him a great future and the everlasting friendship between China and Armenia.


    谢尔盖大使和韦燕总裁期待爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)、黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚·贾布尔阁下(H.E.Ms.Milia Jabbour)能在中外新闻社大使俱乐部有所收获


    著名歌唱家冀淑华为嘉宾演唱《我爱你, 中国》


    与会嘉宾为亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)在中国出色的外交工作点赞



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