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    中经总网  2024-01-10 21:38     浏览量:244190



    中经总网·中经在线(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 齐欢 张珈闻)联合报道 2023年7月15日晚,中外新闻社大使俱乐部在北京天伦王朝酒店举行斯里兰卡驻华大使帕利塔•科霍纳阁下离任欢送晚宴。阿尔巴尼亚驻华大使塞利姆•贝洛尔塔亚阁下、亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下、塞浦路斯驻华大使玛莎•玛夫罗玛蒂阁下及中外新闻社总裁韦燕、外交部前副部长助理马德强、中国民营经济国际合作商会党委副书记兼秘书长李兵书、中国民营经济国际合作商会副会长刘海康等中方贵宾出席。

    On the evening of July 15, 2023, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club held the Farewell Dinner for Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China H.E. Palitha Kohona at the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel in Beijing. Ambassador of Albania to China H.E. Mr. Selim Belortaja, Ambassador of Armenia to China H.E. Mr. Sergey Manasaryan, Ambassador of Cyprus to China Mrs. Martha Mavrommati, as well as President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan, Former Assistant to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ma Deqiang, Deputy Secretary of China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector Mr. Li Bingshu, Vice President of China International Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector Mr. Liu Haikang and other Chinese guests also attended the dinner event.



    韦燕在宴会上致欢迎辞。她说, 今晚中外新闻社大使俱乐部举行斯里兰卡驻华大使帕利塔•科霍纳阁下离任欢送晚宴, 欢迎大家的莅临, 共同度过一个快乐、难忘的友谊之夜……

    Madam Wei Yan delivered a welcome speech at the banquet. She said that tonight, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club is holding a farewell dinner for H.E. Palitha Kohona, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China, and welcomed all of you to spend a happy and unforgettable night of friendship together.......

    韦燕说, 我们今晚的主人斯里兰卡驻华大使帕利塔•科霍纳博士是一名经验丰富的外交官,曾担任联合国大会第六委员会(法律)主席、联合国国际管辖范围以外的生物多样化委员会的联合主席,在联合国工作长达15年,具有优秀的全球环境治理领导力。2021年4月14日,科霍纳大使向中国国家主席习近平递交国书,正式成为斯里兰卡驻华大使。在任期间,科霍纳大使积极推动中斯交流合作,为促进中斯友好关系发展做出了重要贡献。

    She continued that Dr. Palitha Kohona is a seasoned diplomat with excellent global environmental governance leadership, having served as Chair of the Sixth Committee (Legal) of the United Nations General Assembly and Co-Chair of the United Nations Commission on Biodiversity Beyond International Jurisdiction, and he has served in the United Nations for 15 years. On April 14, 2021, he formally became Sri Lankan Ambassador to China by presenting his credentials to Chinese President Xi Jinping. During his tenure, Ambassador Kohona has actively promoted Sino-Sri Lankan exchanges and cooperation and made significant contributions to the development of Sino-Sri Lankan friendly relations.



    帕利塔•科霍纳大使2022年9月担任中外新闻社大使俱乐部荣誉主席,随大使俱乐部大使前往吉林省长春市、松原市,广东省珠海市,福建省厦门市等考察、观光、文化交流,一路上, 我们领略中国的大好河山、品尝各地的美食、互动各族的风土人情,享受旅途的愉悦!这一切好像还发生在昨天, 历历在目, 令人难忘, 现在大使就要离任回国, 我们非常舍不得, 我相信, 3年在中国这片土地给他留下许多的美好的回忆。让我们祝福帕利塔•科霍纳大使:回国顺利, 一路平安, 记得回来的路:中国—是你的第二个家!你是中国人民的好朋友、老朋友, 也是真朋友,期待帕利塔•科霍纳大使继续为促进中斯友好关系发展做出新的贡献。

    Ambassador Palitha Kohona, who was appointed as the Honorary President of Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club in September 2022, traveled with the Ambassadors Club to Changchun, Songyuan, Zhuhai and Xiamen for business tours, sightseeing, and cultural exchanges. Along the way, we were able to enjoy the great mountains and rivers of China, taste Many local delicious cuisines, and interact with the customs of different ethnic groups. We enjoyed every trip! All this seems to have happened yesterday, vivid yet unforgettable, and now the Ambassador is going to leave his position and return to his motherland, we are very sad to see him go. I believe that 3 years in China has left him a lot of good memories. Let us wish Ambassador Palitha Kohona a smooth and safe journey back home and always welcome him back to China because China is his second home! He is a good friend, an old friend and a true friend of the Chinese people. We look forward to Ambassador Palitha Kohona's continued contribution to the development of friendly relations between China and Sri Lanka.



    媒体外交是当今世界许多国家十分重视的一种外交形式,积极开展媒体外交, 有利于所在国的形象在世界范围内传播。至今已有66国大使在大使俱乐部平台上相互交流, 获取资讯。中外新闻社以此为契机, 拓展合作, 实现共赢, 为世界和平、稳定与发展注入正能量。

    Media diplomacy is a form of diplomacy that many countries in the world attach great importance to, and the active development of media diplomacy is conducive to promote the global image of the host country in the world. So far, 66 ambassadors have exchanged information with each other on the platform of Ambassadors Club. Home and Abroad News Press takes this opportunity to expand cooperation and realize win-win situation by creating positive energy for world peace, stability and development.



    帕利塔•科霍纳大使现场非常感动, 大使说, 我们同中外新闻社的友谊我们永远铭记, 中外新闻社是一个伟大的媒体。中外新闻社大使俱乐部为各国大使表达各自的观点、思想、方案提供平台, 我们大使把中外新闻社大使俱乐部当成为一个交流、沟通、成长的大家庭。

    Ambassador Palitha Kohona was deeply touched and said that we will always remember our friendship with Home and Abroad News Press, which is a great media. Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club provides a platform for ambassadors to express their views, ideas and programs, and we ambassadors regard Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club as a big family for mutual exchanges, communication and growth.



    帕利塔•科霍纳大使说, 我作为斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国驻华大使的任期将7月底结束。在中国度过了3年的成果丰硕、饶有趣味的时光, 我将回到斯里兰卡外交部工作。正如人们常说的:“善始固然不易,善终尤为难得”。我将带着丰富的知识、无数的美好回忆、许多难忘的经历以及我们在这里和许多朋友结下的友谊离开中国。

    He continued that my tenure as Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China will end at the end of this month. After three fruitful and interesting years in China, I will be returning to Sri Lanka to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As the old sayings says: "It is not easy to start well, but it is especially difficult to finish well". I will leave China with tremendous knowledge, countless fond memories, many unforgettable experiences and the friendships we have made here with many friends.



    帕利塔•科霍纳大使表示, 我一定会珍视所有中国这片土地给我们留下的回忆。这是一片拥有着多元文化和丰富自然多样性的土地, 也是一片充满商机和巨大人民潜力的土地, 终将为中国人民乃至全世界创造无限的机遇。

    Ambassador Palitha Kohona also expressed that I will cherish all the memories we have in China. It is a land of diverse cultures and rich natural diversity, a land of business opportunities and great potential for its people, which will create unlimited opportunities for the Chinese people and the world.



    我们很荣幸能在中国认识大家, 也希望我们在未来可以再次相遇。感谢中外新闻社, 感谢中外新闻社总裁韦燕女士!祝中斯友谊万岁!祝各位朋友身体健康!

    We are honored to have met all of you in China, and we hope that we can meet again in the future. Thank you, Home and Abroad News Press, and thank you, Mrs. Wei Yan, President of Home and Abroad News Press! Long live the friendship between China and Sri Lanka! I wish all of you good health!

    在欢送仪式上, 刚刚荣幸成为中外新闻社大使俱乐部荣誉主席的阿尔巴尼亚驻华大使塞利姆•贝洛尔塔亚阁下、亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下、塞浦路斯驻华大使玛莎•玛夫罗玛蒂阁下分别为斯里兰卡驻华大使帕利塔•科霍纳阁下表达最美好的祝福:祝福斯里兰卡驻华大使帕利塔•科霍纳博士阁下及家人在中国收获了许多美好的回忆, 希望斯科霍纳阁下在新的岗位上万事如意、家庭和睦、平安顺遂!

    At the farewell dinner, after officially becoming the Honorary Presidents of Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club, Ambassador of Albania to China H.E. Mr. Selim Belortaja, Ambassador of Armenia to China H.E. Mr. Sergey Manasaryan, Ambassador of Cyprus to China Mrs. Martha Mavrommati, also expressed their best wishes for Ambassador Palitha Kohona. They wished Ambassador Kohona and his family lots of wonderful memories in China, and a bright future ahead of his new position, best wishes to his career, family, and a safe and successful life in the future!




    During the dinner, the famous Chinese magician, Xin Gang, performed ancient magician tricks for the ambassadors and all guests with a unique visual experience. May all guests enjoy the charms of Chinese culture and welcome a great future together!







    编审:王海珠 熊辉 刘信春

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